Artists - Arts Canterbury


Welcome to our artists directory where you may view the profiles of some of our member artists. Search for a specific artist if you know their name, or browse through the different mediums to discover someone new.


Adrienne Pavelka

Adrienne Pavelka

Andrea Abraham

Andrea Abraham

Annie Robertson

Annie Robertson



Auntie Betty Illustration

Auntie Betty Illustration



Bruce Denton

Bruce Denton

Caroline Kelly

Caroline Kelly

Catherine Coster Contemporary Art

Catherine Coster Contemporary Art

Cesilia Chen

Cesilia Chen

Cherie Irwin

Cherie Irwin

Christian Solly

Christian Solly

Christine Bell

Christine Bell

Christine Maynard

Christine Maynard

Claudia Du.XZ

Claudia Du.XZ

Corey Middleditch

Corey Middleditch

Corina Hazlett

Corina Hazlett

Cosette Calder

Cosette Calder

Cyril Hector

Cyril Hector

Damon Puddy

Damon Puddy

David DaWon Choi

David DaWon Choi

David Penman

David Penman

Debbie Garland

Debbie Garland

Debbie Scott

Debbie Scott

Deborah Moor

Deborah Moor

Deborah-Lee Mullen

Deborah-Lee Mullen

Diana Nicholson-Plank

Diana Nicholson-Plank

Donna Coster

Donna Coster

Doug Soper Art

Doug Soper Art

Dr Ritusart

Dr Ritusart

Elaine Fraser

Elaine Fraser

Elizabeth Rosa

Elizabeth Rosa

Eszter Luca Art

Eszter Luca Art

Faye Mather

Faye Mather

Fei He

Fei He

Fiona Temple

Fiona Temple

Georgette Thompson

Georgette Thompson

Hannah Carpenter

Hannah Carpenter

Haruko Furukawa

Haruko Furukawa



Isabelle Wannenburg

Isabelle Wannenburg

Jacqui Rogers

Jacqui Rogers

James YS Kim

James YS Kim

Jan Frampton

Jan Frampton

Jane Reid

Jane Reid

Jennifer Harrison

Jennifer Harrison

Jennifer Neutze

Jennifer Neutze

Jessie Christieson

Jessie Christieson

Jo Wright

Jo Wright

Joan Batten

Joan Batten

Joanne McDougall

Joanne McDougall

John Maillard

John Maillard

Justine Jensen

Justine Jensen

Karin Lange Artist

Karin Lange Artist

Karin Werner

Karin Werner

Kate McLeod

Kate McLeod

Kay Duncan

Kay Duncan

Kellie Spence

Kellie Spence

Kilmeny	Keyse

Kilmeny Keyse

Laura Hewetson (Apple Tree Studio)

Laura Hewetson (Apple Tree Studio)

Lesley – The Dapperkiwi

Lesley – The Dapperkiwi

Lisa Banks

Lisa Banks

Livia Dias

Livia Dias

Lynette Colton

Lynette Colton

Mandy Palmer

Mandy Palmer

Maria Quirk

Maria Quirk

Marilyn Austin

Marilyn Austin

Mark Duggan

Mark Duggan

Marshal Wang

Marshal Wang

Mary Fraser

Mary Fraser

Maxine Burney

Maxine Burney

Mel Eaton Design

Mel Eaton Design

Michael Southern

Michael Southern

Narda Botha

Narda Botha

Nemesh Art

Nemesh Art

Nicholas Thomas

Nicholas Thomas

Nikki Parker

Nikki Parker

Peter Millard

Peter Millard

Rachel Jemmett

Rachel Jemmett

Rae Manson

Rae Manson

Rebecca Foley Taylor

Rebecca Foley Taylor

Redgie Walker-Small – Soul Wise Tattoo

Redgie Walker-Small – Soul Wise Tattoo

Rhonye McIlroy

Rhonye McIlroy

Ros Huppert

Ros Huppert

Sandie Brown

Sandie Brown

Sarah Beal

Sarah Beal

Schira Withers

Schira Withers

Simon van der Sluijs

Simon van der Sluijs

Stephen Goldson

Stephen Goldson

Suzanne McDonnell

Suzanne McDonnell

Tania Wootton

Tania Wootton

Tara King Creative

Tara King Creative

Therese Boustead

Therese Boustead



Tricia Hewlett

Tricia Hewlett

Verity Scarlett

Verity Scarlett

Victoria Dowall

Victoria Dowall

Yvonne Wing Gilmore

Yvonne Wing Gilmore

Zoe	Wiseman

Zoe Wiseman


Bryony Bedggood

Bryony Bedggood

Caroline Kelly

Caroline Kelly

Dave Shepherd

Dave Shepherd

Ian Gardiner

Ian Gardiner

John Maillard

John Maillard

Matthew Musson

Matthew Musson

Nadine Campbell

Nadine Campbell

Ron Fraser Henderson

Ron Fraser Henderson

Sarah Smith | Soul DeLight Photography

Sarah Smith | Soul DeLight Photography

Stuart Clook

Stuart Clook


Corina Hazlett

Corina Hazlett


Emma G Potteree

Emma G Potteree

The Garden Pottery. Ceramics By Linda Burns

The Garden Pottery. Ceramics By Linda Burns

Verity Scarlett

Verity Scarlett


Fox Glass Studio

Fox Glass Studio

Jackie Hancock – Aroha Glass

Jackie Hancock – Aroha Glass

Nye Mclellen

Nye Mclellen

Vanja Venrooy

Vanja Venrooy


Cora Baillie

Cora Baillie

Maree Grant

Maree Grant

Susan Forde

Susan Forde

Tania Wootton

Tania Wootton


Bryony Bedggood

Bryony Bedggood

Jacqui Rogers

Jacqui Rogers

Margaret White

Margaret White

Shaun McCarroll

Shaun McCarroll

Stuart Clook

Stuart Clook


Caroline Kelly

Caroline Kelly

Jacqui Rogers

Jacqui Rogers

Jane Downes

Jane Downes

Leah Fraser-Henderson

Leah Fraser-Henderson

Nigel Wilson

Nigel Wilson

Nye Mclellen

Nye Mclellen

Simon van der Sluijs

Simon van der Sluijs

Suzanne McDonnell

Suzanne McDonnell



Verity Scarlett

Verity Scarlett